New Hire Training
A portion of a new sales rep’s training usually includes shadowing another member of the team. They learn by listing in on live calls. This is great experience, but one problem is that there is no way to control what types of calls will come in. This type of training can be much more efficient and effective if new hires are exposed to the specific types of calls you want them to be prepared for. Listing to a recorded conversation is the same as listing to live one to the new employee, but the recorded option puts you in control and allows for follow up comments about what was done right or wrong during the call.
Training Method Assessment
Are you giving your team the tools they need to provide the best possible service? You may think so, but you can find out for sure by paying special attention to customer reaction. Is there a sales rep who has developed a particularly good way to calm an upset customer? Teach other employees to do the same. Maybe customers don’t seem to be reacting well to a tactic or a portion of script you’ve trained your team to use. Try something new. Listen to your customers and adjust your training materials accordingly.
Employee Evaluation
You can use certain data and statistics to evaluate an employee, but there’s really nothing more accurate than observing an employee in action. No other industry makes it easier to see, first-hand, exactly how employees are performing. Listening in on a few calls can clue you in to an employee’s strengths and weaknesses…the actual errors and highlights in their execution that have contributed to their stats. Use what you have heard to provide the type of coaching that is most applicable to each of your team members.
Employee Self-Evaluation
Take the employee review one step further and let your employees listen to their own recordings. When taking calls day after day, it may be hard to remember one call from the next, to pinpoint what is contributing to an overall bad day or a string of good luck. By listing to themselves, employees can identify their own patterns and decide on their own what they think they can do to improve their performance.
CallRail is a great resource and our preferred vendor for call tracking, recording and analytics. If you have questions or would like to implement call recording for your business, call us today: 303-940-5544.